Lys: Good News

How long she lay there, she did not know. Long enough to regain her breath and simply watch the clouds roll by. Eventually she decided it was time to return to the villa. Oddly enough, she suddenly wanted to saddle Concordia and ride out someplace. But she had a few people with whom she wanted to share her good news. She had seen the Guttersnipe trailing after Jason, headed for the horses, so she doubted they'd be back yet. But there was Caleb...

She made her way slowly back through the orchard, wandering somewhat aimlessly, until she reached the villa and outbuildings. She finally tracked Caleb down... or up? She found him on the roof of the barn, tossing straw down, working next to Lord Ambrosius as though they were both mere labourers. But then, did not her own king do the same? She smiled and, shielding her eyes from the sun, waved to get his attention.

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