Now that it had come to it, Aithne found herself a bit nervous. She stood quietly, and made her way somewhat unobtrusively to the hearth, gently pulling the harp into her lap.
She played a few experimental chords, just to get the feel of it again, and began to play her mother's song, though she did not yet sing. She played through a verse or two before finding her voice- a little wobbly at first, but the warmth of the hearth and the feel of the harp soon steadied it as she fell into the song.
"Am Brunnen vor dem Tore,
Da steht ein Lindenbaum.
Ich träumt in seinem Schatten
So manchen süßen Traum.
Ich schnitt in seine Rinde
so manches liebe Wort;
Es zog in Freud und Leide
Zu ihm mich immerfort.
Ich mußt auch heute wandern
Vorbei in tiefer Nacht,
Da hab ich noch im Dunkel
Die Augen zugemacht;
Und seine Zweige rauschten,
Als riefen sie mir zu:
"Komm her zu mir, Geselle,
Hier findst du deine Ruh.
Die kalten Winde bliesen
Mir grad ins Angesicht,
Der Hut flog mir vom Kopfe
Ich wendete mich nicht.
Nun bin ich manche Stunde
Entfernt von jenem Ort,
Und immer hör ich's rauschen:
"Du fändest Ruhe dort.""
"You will find rest here."
The tale of the journeyman longing for the peace of long-lost home trailed and twined about the harpstrings, until finally the tune faded and was quiet. She let it be a moment. "Let the song rest before continuing on, Aithne. Even the most common song has something to say. Never silence it."
A small smile flitted across her face. Yes, Father.
Meanwhile, across the room, Cu had finished his bone and was on the prowl for more. He made a few sniffs around, and detected something particularly unusual and good-smelling. Following his nose, he ducked under the table and came up on the other side, immediately turning and putting his front paws on the bench, coming nose-to-nose with Druce and a spoonful of blackberry duff.
Ever the charmer, he gave the young man a winsome smile, followed by puppy eyes that rivaled that of a dog a third of his size.

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- Jenny: Little Cu
- Lys: A Fervent Prayer
- Jenny: The Naked Blade
- Jeanne: The Guttersnipe
- Jenny: The Uncanny Woman
- Jeanne: Women's Ways
- Jenny: God of Formation
- Jeanne: Beneath Sovereignty
- Jenny: Cowardice
- Jeanne: This Business
- Jenny: The Knot-Maker
- Lys: A Dream
- Jeanne: Surgeon Things
- Jenny: Moonstone Petal
- Lys: Goodnight
- Jenny: The Deeper Thing
- Lys: The Waiting
- Jenny: Presence of Spirit
- Lys: Misunderstanding
- Jeanne: Salute
- Jenny: To Ground
- Lys: A Bard, And Yet Not A Bard
- Jenny: A Dread Champion
- Lys: The Lord's Song In A Foreign Land
- Jenny: Acquital
- Jeanne: Pawprints
- Lys: You Will Find Rest
- Jenny: All That Is Britain
- Lys: Filthy but Faithful
- Jenny: Dog-Teeth
- Lys: Unauthorized Long Patrol
- Jenny: The Old Ways
- Lys: Songs Old and New
- Jenny: Foreground Images
- Lys: No Safe Harbor
- Jeanne: Spy's Spy
- Jenny: Redshank
- Lys: Among Enemies
- Jeanne: Knifeblade
- Jenny: Reflexive
- Lys: Among Friends
- Jenny: Elijah
- Lys: Lost, As Usual
- Jeanne: Hounds
- Jenny: Horseshoe Place
- Lys: A Job Well Done
- Jenny: Eryri Mountains
- Lys: Two Matches
- Jeanne: Odd Creatures
- Lys: Dismissed, Again.
- Jenny: A Little Bronze Inkpot
- Jeanne: Matchmaker
- Jenny: Good Lad
- Lys: A New Approach
- Jenny: Noticing
- Lys: Memories
- Jeanne: And Women
- Jenny: Men
- Jeanne: Intruder and Spy
- Jenny: Flower Garden
- Lys: Noticed
- Jenny: Odd Pairs
- Jeanne: Ignorance
- Lys: Shadowed
- Jenny: Antagonists
- Jeanne: Let Not the Sun
- Jenny: Daughters of the Rain
- Lys: A Request
- Jenny: Fire in the Window
- Lys: Forgiveness, Full and Free
- Jenny: I Did Not Know Myself
- Lys: Tears, Again.
- Jenny: Rain-Soaked Blossom
- Lys: Disinterest
- Jeanne: Out in the Wet
- Jenny: Black Horse-hair
- Lys: A Scrap
- Jeanne: Struggle
- Lys: A Lie
- Jenny: Foster-Mark
- Jeanne: Sidelines
- Lys: Apology
- Jenny: Cornered
- Lys: Four's A Crowd
- Jenny: Mizzle
- Lys: Amends
- Jeanne: Shame
- Jenny: New Orders
- Jeanne: Misunderstanding
- Lys: Resolution
- Jenny: Intercession
- Jeanne: A Question of Honour
- Lys: Unquestionable Loyalty
- Jeanne: Loyalties
- Lys: Obey Orders
- Jenny: Blackberry Ransom
- Jeanne: Scalawag
- Lys: Nurse
- Jeanne: Spies
- Jenny: Witchery in the Leaven
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