Aithne took another look at the big blond man, then at Gwenhwyfar. Her jaw clenched, and her eyes- more often dull as not in the past few years, flashed with a fire not seen in a long time. "Not if I have anything to do with it, he isn't." It was ridiculous, she knew, that she should be able to do anything of worth, but Master Lucius and Gwenhwyfar were working against it, and she served them. And an army marches on its stomach, as they say.
The Romans may be a soft people as a whole, but they were better neighbours than the Gauls ever would be. And the leader brought back the steel in her that she'd tried so hard to mask earlier.
Gwenhwyfar started across the courtyard then, and Aithne had a moment of indecision before following her with a slightly bowed head. Her back would not relax from its ramrod straightness, though. Now all we need is Mordred to make this little hellparty complete.

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Since the Guttersnipe refered to Ireland as Attacotti-land earlier, I thought it was possible the big guy's lieutenant might be from Aithne's part of the world.
I guess we can say Cunorix had a hand in it someplace. I'm trying to decide if he should recognize her or not. Not that it would make much difference to him that some girl he fished up and sold ended up in Vortigern's house.
P.S. Leaving around 3 this afternoon.
Gah, what a morning. I wasn't planning on Domitia being recognized - I think that's more plot than I can chew.
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