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- Lys: Scorched
- Jenny: Clean Iron and Tempered Steel
- Lys: Lost
- Jenny: Counter Fire
- Lys: Horror
- Jenny: A Man
- Lys: No...
- Jenny: The Land of Summer
- Lys: A Thing of Power
- Jenny: A Touch of North Wind
- Lys: Gideon
- Jenny: The Hawk from the Hand
- Lys: Absent In Spirit
- Jenny: Flint and Steel
- Lys: Distraction
- Jenny: A Veil of Cotton
- Lys: Holy War
- Jenny: Red on the Kingfisher's Beak
- Lys: Problem Solved
- Jenny: Toiletry Accessories
- Lys: A Thing of Death
- Jenny: Reckless Steel
- Lys: A Time of Testing
- Jenny: The Villa
- Lys: Cassandra
- Jenny: Sunsetting
- Lys: Domination
- Jenny: Seeing to the Last Things
- Lys: Immanuel
- Jenny: Marching Orders
- Lys: Trouble
- Jenny: Cry 'Havoc!'
- Aithne: Time
- Jenny: The Heart of the Primrose
- Lys: Forlorn
- Jenny: A Queen of the Iceni
- Lys: One's Place
- Jenny: The Wind in the Leaves
- Lys: A Shift Of Perspective
- Jenny: She Beat Him, Sir
- Jeanne: Whatsoever Things
- Lys: History
- Jeanne: Fear and Courage
- Lys: Reality
- Jeanne: Witch
- Jenny: The White Things
- Lys: Screaming
- Jenny: Behind the Storm-Grey Eyes
- Lys: Futility
- Jenny: I Sing of Warfare and a Man at War
- Lys: Stale Air
- Jenny: Indigo, and the Varnished Sun
- Lys: A Matched Pair
- Jenny: Pigeon in the Apple Tree
- Lys: A Silent Bird
- Jenny: Apple Cake
- Lys: A Small Part Of One's Self
- Jenny: Fledgling Redshank
- Lys: Half-ness
- Jenny: Calpurnia's Dream
- Lys: Loosening Up
- Jenny: A Rich Roman Lady
- Lys: An Offer Of Relief
- Jenny: Second Breakfast
- Lys: Curiousity Killed the Cat- But The Cat Probab...
- Jeanne: Polish
- Jenny: Moth-Eaten
- Jeanne: Man Cub
- Jenny: The Torqued Man
- Jeanne: Stranger from Over-Sea
- Lys: Enough
- Jenny: The Facets of a Gem
- Lys: Adamant
- Jenny: Things Unsaid, But Felt
- Lys: In Need Of Guidance
- Jenny: The Training of Cu Chulainn
- Lys: Apples of Gold
- Jenny: At the Well
- Lys: Wild Horses
- Jenny: Things Unsaid
- Lys: Disbelief
- Jenny: Lies Don't Stick Like Barley-Cake
- Lys: Unavoidable
- Jenny: Baiting Witches
- Lys: Different Circles
- Jenny: The Fair Folk
- Lys: Un-Learning
- Jenny: "He Is Sullen," Said Publius Piso
- Lys: Two Worlds
- Jenny: Bad Eggs
- Lys: A Matter Of Eggs
- Jenny: Uncertain Candle-Fire
- Lys: Companionship In Cooking
- Jenny: Sunshine in the Orchard
- Lys: Complicated
- Jenny: Young Things
- Lys: Last Effort
- Jeanne: Battle Dawn
- Jenny: The Scarlet of Urgency
- Lys: Dangerous Folly
1 comment:
Heh. I wasn't expecting her to be so definitely for the idea. I thought she might hem and haw a bit.
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